As we reflect on the incredible journey of 2023, we are filled with gratitude for the remarkable moments and growth that unfolded within our youth ministry. The year kicked off with an abundance of enthusiasm and anticipation as we made shifts to our program, implementing a ‘Rise Youth SNRs’ space. We have been so blessed to have the use of a transportable that we have been able to turn into a youth space, with couches, TV, tables, games and even a newly built deck to extend this space. Our SNRs space is less time scheduled, more organic and takes the opportunity to go deeper in discussion about Jesus and life.


Term 1 was marked by unforgettable experiences, including a night at the South Perth foreshore, real life Mario Kart and a ‘Serve Night’ when youth helped paint the transportable, cleaned windows and buses, and tidied gardens!  It was great seeing our youth take ownership of these spaces.


In Term 2, we focused on ‘Characteristics of God’ during our devotion and small group times, and our SNRs used faith & life question cards to facilitate discussion and growth. We had a Cowboy & Western Night, while simultaneously taking our SNRs Iceblocking at Centenary Park Hill. Our SNRs joined the leaders for State Youth Games over the long weekend. Bonfire Night continued to be a highlight as we gathered at the Ballantine's property for a fire (which wasn’t as epic as the year before due to rain) a sizzling sausage feast, acoustic worship, and a testimony from Caleb, one of our youth who, over the past year became a Christian through our youth group and was baptised too! We heard some of his transformative journey with Jesus which began by being invited to the previous year's Bonfire Night. A full circle moment! We were blessed to have the Lipscomb Team, from the USA, visit us and host a ‘USA Night’ when we did everything American, including Hot Dog eating comp, drinking sweet tea, and hearing a testimony from one of the team. They stayed on and helped facilitate a July School Holiday Program, where we had heaps of fun competing in tribe games and even a day trip to John Forrest National Park.


Term 3 was jam packed! Growing in understanding our Identity in God, and seeing some of our Year 10s join the SNRs space was great. Our Annual Amazing Race, a standout highlight, continued to provide unique and funny memories for each youth. Youth Alive was back in 2023, so we joined with over twenty youth ministries to praise Jesus together at the Perth Convention Centre. On our final night of term, we participated in an Inter-youth Sports Carnival Night with Riverview & Hillsong, with the biggest team, best team spirit and a deserved win (if the point system wasn’t rigged)!


A highlight of the year was our annual Rise Youth Camp, when we headed to the beach in Binningup! The days were packed with LEGO themed games (a play on words, LEGO & Let God), laughter & fun, find the leader, beach games, and our nights were filled with a silent disco, sitting around the campfire and our annual game of foxholes. Our worship sessions and devotions centred around the theme Let Go & Let God – encouraging our youth to establish, trust and surrender in their relationship with Him. Numerous young people expressed their desire to take the next steps in their faith journey, which is a huge encouragement for our leaders.


Term 4, we unpacked some spiritual rhythms to encourage our relationship with God and heard testimonies from our Youth Leaders. Our Progressive Dinner – leaning into the ‘Eat’ in BLESS – was a highlight, especially the dessert station at the Vyses! We finished off the year with a Christmas Party, with Trek joining us and a SNR Roadtrip down to Binningup for our Year 10-12 students!  A fun opportunity to fellowship together, head to the beach, eat ice-cream, play volleyball, late night board games and deep chats under the stars!


Every week, we endeavour to create a program that points people towards Jesus, fosters meaningful relationships, as well as lots of fun. We believe that the most crucial decision a young person can make is to follow Jesus, and we are committed to making a lasting impact during the 2.5 hours we spend together each week. As we look back on 2023, we celebrate the multitude of memories made, relationships strengthened, and the profound moments of Jesus at work in the hearts of young people, seen through discipleship, and even some baptisms. New faces became part of our community, and those who had been with us for a long time graduated into new chapters of their lives. Our dedicated leaders served with passion, intentionality and love, exemplifying the privilege it is to be part of youth ministry and witness God's transformative work in our church.


We are so thankful for your support and prayers of our community, knowing that together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of our youth and look forward to 2024!

Overall it was an encouraging year, and we look forward to all that 2024 brings.


Grace Cook

Youth Minister

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