That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—  whatever they do prospers.

Psalm 1:3   

We have found that the imagery of a tree helps us to think about discipleship and life in the Kingdom. Below the surface is the root system, it nourishes and anchors the tree. This represents our relationship with Jesus. If we want to know Jesus and become more like Him then we need to remain vitally connected to Him, the source of life.

In John 15:5 Jesus says: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

As we abide in Him we will grow and mature, both individually and as a community of believers. Like the trunk of a tree, as we grow in knowledge and walk in obedience to the way of Jesus, we will be spiritually formed more and more into His likeness. We will then be increasingly equipped to discern His will for our lives and stand firm as change, opposition, tragedy and uncertainty come.

A healthy root system and strong trunk enable a tree to support a canopy and bear fruit. The parallel here is that as we abide and grow in Christ, He will enable us to live our mission which is:

Helping People Find and Follow Jesus.

Our Discipleship Framework

  • Being Vitally Connected

    If we want to know Jesus and become more like him then we need to remain vitally connected to Him, the source of life. 

  • Being Spiritually Formed

    As we grown in knowledge and walk in obedience to the way of Jesus, we will be spiritually formed more and more into His likeness.

  • Living Our Mission

    As we abide in and grow in Christ, He will enable us to live our mission which is: Helping people find and follow Jesus.

Our desire at Lifestreams is to equip and encourage our community in their discipleship to Jesus. These are some activities that we offer to help you and your family  find and follow Jesus.


Belong Groups


Look Ahead at 2024

(Subject to change)

Term 1

Wednesday Evenings

  • Lectio Divina Course
  • Practical Prayer Course
  • Good and Beautiful Community Belong Groups

February Retreat

  • Spiritual Retreat (Simplicity)

Term 2

Wednesday Evenings

  • Alpha Course
  • Soul Care Course
  • S.H.A.P.E.D Course
  • Conquerors
  • Church Planting Essentials

May Retreat

  • Spiritual Retreat (Holy Spirit)

Term 3

Wednesday Evenings

  • Alpha Course
  • Alpha Marriage Course
  • Liturgy of the Arts

August Retreat

  • Spiritual Retreat (Confession, Secrecy & Celebration)

Term 4

Wednesday Evenings

  • Alpha Parenting Course
  • Intercultural Missions Course
    (More to be announced)

October Retreat

  • Spiritual Retreat (Prayer)
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