The Good & Beautiful God

God is Good! | 5th June 2022

Join us as Rod takes us through our new series The Good & Beautiful God following through the book written by James Bryan Smith.

Today I want to look at the false narrative that tells us that God is an angry judge and that he sits in heaven and takes great delight in punishing us for every sin that we commit. I want to look at where the heck this powerful but false narrative comes from, I want us to look at what Jesus has to say about it and then I want to finish with some very practical things that we can do that will help transform the way we see and think about this false narrative…

Reflections Questions:

•            In what ways have you or do you suffer from the false narrative we have looked at today?

•            In what ways has Jesus revealed to you that God is GOOD all the time and all the time God is GOOD?

•            What will you do to help reframe this false narrative in your life this week?

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