“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” Luke 18:1

This is Jesus passion for us, His disciples, at Lifestreams. Prayer is so diverse and powerful. Across our city and state there is a groundswell of prayer happening. I believe there is an ongoing call for us to keep praying together. God loves it when His people humble themselves and join together to pray (listening, intercession, thanksgiving, praise, adoration, confession and blessing).

I really want to thank you for praying together and I encourage you to keep initiating and responding positively, to invitations for prayer together.

May you experience more of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power in your life as you stay alert and pray with thankfulness.

I thank God that many of you pray, either alone or in groups, for so many different areas of our church and beyond; for people to find and follow Jesus. Prayer is crucial for building up the body and for the conversion and transformation of people and our community.

TIMES OF PRAYER in 2023 included:

  • Early Sunday morning and focused prayer times in our services;
  • A group praying weekly for our church leadership;
  • A group praying weekly for our Beyond (local and overseas) ministry;
  • Numbers of Sunday evening prayer times;
  • Weekly prayer for the men of our church and community;
  • Several men’s prayer times around the fire;
  • Prayer for renewal several times a week when we seek the face of God and pray for God to renew our church;
  • Spiritual retreats;
  • Weekly prayer around our city for God to move in hospitals, schools, government locations, different churches and suburbs;
  • As well as other prayer times in and through our programs, gatherings and people.

Peter Raymond, one of our Shepherding Elders, testifies that; “through the prayer retreats, fasting, Soul Care, prayer meetings and World Prayer Assembly (which Perth hosted in October), God has moved me into deeper intimacy and intercession.” Peter is also coordinating a team who are each fasting and praying a day a week for God to release gifts of healing into the church.

In 2024 we will be moving more intentionally into the development of Local Houses of Prayer and 24/7 prayer and fasting. I would love you to engage as prompted by the Holy Spirit.


As in past years, there have been lots of pressures, illness, grief, fatigue, mental illness, old age and broken relationships in our people’s lives.  I am very thankful for our Shepherding Elders in the prayer and care they provide for people dealing with a very diverse range of challenges. We are also very blessed to have so many of our church step up in caring for each other. I see many people giving what they have to serve people.


Bec Ellery has also played a significant role in coordinating aspects of the pastoral ministry of our church. Thank you to all who play their part in prayer and care for the people of our church.

In the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6) Jesus encouraged His disciples to pray:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven….”

May you be encouraged and empowered to keep praying that God’s will be done today on earth as it is in heaven. This is about taking ground for His kingdom, redeeming and taking back what Satan has stolen.

I invite you to keep growing in your engagement in this exciting Kingdom ministry.

May God bless you abundantly.

David Stanford

Associate Minister

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