We are all broken — body, soul and spirit — and we need the healing touch of Jesus. At the Soul Care Course, Dr. Rob Reimer will help us explore seven principles that are profound healing tools of God:
securing your identity,
breaking family sin patterns,
forgiving others,
healing wounds,
overcoming fears,
and deliverance.
These principles, when packaged together and lived out, can lead to lasting transformation, freedom, and a healthy soul. Soul Care encourages you to gather as a community in arms, read or watch and process together, open your souls to one another, access the presence and power of God together, and journey together into the freedom and fullness of Christ.
Rob Reimer will be here in Perth to facilitate his Soul Care Conference. There will be more info to come, so click below to register your interest.
Lifestreams is a registered trademark of Lifestreams Christian Church Inc. Lifestreams Christian Church South Perth is a member of Churches of Christ in WA.
Today, we acknowledge God’s sovereignty over these lands, now called Australia. We praise the Creator of all things, affirming God’s call for us to be faithful stewards of this good creation. We are thankful for the peoples of the Wadjuk Noongar nation – for their deep, ongoing connection and care of this land, upon which we meet. We honour their Elders, past, present and emerging. As a faith community, we join with the restoring, reconciling and healing work of the Holy Spirit, amongst all peoples of Australia.
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