Prayer Hub

We See... A Church That Prays
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  • The Prayer Hub is God's Place

    • Where His presence is strong.
    • Where God’s presence is sought and revealed - so Christians take God’s presence into their daily lives to bless others.
    • Where God invites us to be part of His prayer agenda – it is His prayer hub, not ours.
    • Where Christians of all generations, from the different traditions of the Body of Christ and different ethnic congregations, can come to pray for God’s Kingdom to be manifest in each of the world’s people groups and nations.
    • Focused on Prayer and Missions.
    • For the nations to pray into the nations.
    • Where we can offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Rom12:1, 2) and be ‘poured out... even wasted’ on Jesus (Matt 26:6-13), ministering to the heart of God.
    • Where God orchestrates His people in prayer.
    • Where the Holy Spirit leads spontaneously, bringing who He wants to join in prayer, for His purpose, when He desires.
    • Where God’s agenda is prayed into, as revealed by the burdens on people’s hearts, and by waiting on the Lord.
    • Where God’s creativity is honoured by how the hub is presented and the variety of ways people are encouraged to pray.
    • With an ‘Antioch’ prayer house model – that people will come from all over the world to pray and learn here, and then go out into the world.

    Our Prayer Values

    • Authentic: We want our prayer gatherings to demonstrate authentic relationships with Jesus and each other and be filled and led by the Holy Spirit. We want the Bible to be part of prayer times, praying scripture and praying scripturally. We want prayer to involve times of silence, adoration, thanksgiving, celebration, intercession, confession, blessing declarations. We want to have times of silence when we wait on God to listen to His voice and receive from Him and times when we wait on God for His presence and move.
    • Love: Loving God and one another in our prayer times is always important.  Our prayer gatherings are times where we honour and respect one another, giving time and encouragement for those who are less confident to pray. 
    • B.L.E.S.S: Our prayer times have a strong focus on Blessing our wider community and those who do not know Jesus. We want to BLESS not curse, and so we do not pray against people or places. Our prayer links into our B.L.E.S.S outreach strategy.
    • Every person actively involved: We want our prayer meetings to be as participatory as possible where people are learning to grow and enjoy praying. We do not pray long-winded prayers and we make room for each other. As much as possible, we actively invite people to be involved.
    • Worship: Our prayer gatherings start with psalms, scriptures or singing that focuses on God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We want God to be glorified in our prayer times and the focus is to remain on Him and seeking His face and His presence.
    • Belonging: We want to demonstrate hospitality so people feel welcome in our prayer gatherings. Building trusting relationships with appropriate transparency and accountability is vital.
    • Unity: We want to encourage unity in the body of Christ and be actively praying for other churches and Christian organisations. We want to demonstrate unity in our prayer times with each other.
    • Kingdom Influence: We want to be a church that prays for more than itself and intentionally prays for other churches, the City of South Perth, Perth, Western Australia and the world. We want to be a church that serves the wider body of Christ and grows God’s Kingdom.

    Book the Prayer Hub

    The Prayer Hub is available for individuals and small groups to use for prayer, You don't have to be a part of Lifestreams - it's available for anyone to access.

    Before making a booking, please read the 'Using the Prayer Hub' document, then use the online booking system below to book your time.

    If you have any questions, you can contact us by phone or email.

    Prayer Hub Feedback

    We've put together a short survey to give you the opportunity tell the team how you plan on using the Prayer Hub. It only takes 2 minutes and will provide valuable information.

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